Childrens Dentist Adelaide: Types of Childrens Sedation Dentists  Adelaide for Children

Our experienced paediatric dentists use various types of sedation dentistry depending on your child’s assessment and treatment needs. We also consider your child’s health history.

childrens sedation dentist Adelaide Nitrous oxide sedation, relative analgesia or ‘happy gas’ helps kids to stay calm and relaxed. Your child must breathe through a space mask, which delivers oxygen mixed with the happy gas. For professional childrens dentist for fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

Intravenous Sedation

It is a more moderate form of sedation where medication is injected into your bloodstream through a vein in the arm or back of the hand. It’s quick to take effect and allows the sedation levels to be adjusted according to the type of treatment required. Your heart and breathing are monitored throughout the procedure.

This sedation method takes effect rapidly, and you will feel relaxed within minutes. It is an excellent option for children nervous about local anaesthetic or dental equipment.

This form of sedation is very effective and works similarly to a general anaesthetic but without needles. Your child will wake up in extreme relaxation, and they will not remember their visit at all. They will need a responsible adult to drive them home and stay with them until they are fully awake and alert. This sedation is used for severe dental procedures, including wisdom teeth removal.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a safe, odourless gas that relieves anxiety and discomfort by targeting the nervous system. It is given through a small mask that fits over the nose and starts to work almost instantly. Children will feel euphoric and relaxed but will not be asleep, so they should be able to answer questions or respond to commands. For professional childrens dentist for fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

The sedative will wear off once the mask is removed, and children should drink water to avoid dehydration. They should also eat something to prevent nausea, as sedation can cause this.

This type of sedation is not suitable for pregnant women, children with congested sinuses or anyone unable to breathe through their nose. It can take up to five minutes for the sedation to wear off, and children should be sure to have someone drive them home afterwards. It can cause a headache in some people, so it is not recommended for those with migraines or sensitive teeth.

Laughing Gas Sedation

Laughing gas is a safe and mild inhalant sedation that can help children relax during dental treatment. This odourless gas is delivered through a mask over your child’s nose and takes effect within three to five minutes. Unlike oral sedatives, nitrous oxide does not have any lingering effects and will wear off quickly once the treatment is complete.

Your child will remain awake but calm during their appointment and may experience a “happy” feeling. Once their treatment is over, they will breathe pure oxygen for a few minutes to flush the remaining nitrous oxide from their system.

Oral Sedation

The dentist gives your child a pill, usually triazolam (Halcion), which is in the diazepam family. Your child will feel groggy and might fall asleep during treatment. They can communicate with the dentist but will not remember anything afterwards. It is the only sedation method used in paediatric dentistry and requires a dentist with advanced sedation training.

Children with a history of severe anxiety or those with complex dental treatment, such as the removal of impacted wisdom teeth, are often referred for oral sedation. However, this technique is also used in children with mild to moderate anxiety and as an adjunct to other methods of sedation.

If your child is scheduled for sedation, they should not have food or drink except water for 6 hours before their appointment. They should wear comfortable clothes that will allow them to sleep and bring someone who can drive them to the dental clinic and back home. To ensure the safety and good overall dental health of your kids, only bring them to a reputable dentist. For professional childrens dentist for fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

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