Occupational Therapy Adelaide: Autism Occupational Therapy Adelaide

Occupational therapy (OT) focuses on improving the skills needed to participate in everyday activities. It includes self-care, work and socialising.

Strong parent-school relationships are crucial for learning, well-being, and health, but parents with autism say positive interactions are few and far between, according to UniSA research.

occupational therapy AdelaideOTs use cognitive behavioural approaches focusing on changes in cognition to improve sensory processing and self-regulation skills. OTs also help people develop and practice new routines and strategies. For more information about autism occupational therapy Adelaide, click here.

Sensory processing

People with autism can have problems coping with how their sensory system receives and processes information. These problems can cause people to react unusually, like becoming overwhelmed by sensory input or avoiding particular things.

An autistic person may be oversensitive (hypersensitive) to certain stimuli such as light, noise or clothing. They might also have trouble filtering out the less important information – this is called sensory modulation.

Daily living skills

Daily living skills are essential for a person’s ability to self-manage, care for themselves and stay healthy. These include dressing, toileting, utensil use, meal preparation and personal hygiene. They can also include coping strategies that help the individual to manage stimuli in their environment. Occupational therapists can teach these daily living skills by breaking them down into smaller components and teaching a step-by-step approach.

A world-first facility for adolescents with autism is helping children in Adelaide learn and develop the life skills they need to grow into adults. Located in Mile End South, the purpose-built clinic is an extension of OTFC+ and aims to support adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The facility will provide physical, social and sensory therapy and learning and wellbeing programs. The program will also assist adolescents with self-determination and independence. The facility will be available to eligible adolescents for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Social skills

Individuals with autism often experience social skill deficits, including a lack of understanding of social cues and body language. It can lead to isolation and a lack of meaningful connections with others. Social skills training teaches individuals to understand their social environment better and respond appropriately. It may involve implementing various techniques, including role play, social stories, and groups.

Occupational therapists also work with individuals to develop daily living and self-care routines, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and eating. They may also help improve fine and gross motor skills, such as handwriting, balance, and coordination.

OTs often collaborate with other professionals, including speech therapists and psychologists, to ensure clients receive a comprehensive approach to their needs. They can also refer families to additional support networks and workshops. It helps to empower families and promote independence for their loved ones. It can also provide access to other resources that can help manage autism.


Occupational therapy services aim to optimise engagement in daily activities at home, school and in the community. It could be completing self-care tasks such as getting dressed, eating and toileting or school-based skills such as handwriting and communicating.

An OT can help with sensory processing, emotional regulation and motor skills by undertaking an assessment and developing a treatment plan that outlines goals and strategies. An OT may also use interventions such as modelling, physical prompting and work disguised as play to help children build their skills.

Kid Sense is one of the few NDIS-registered providers that offer both Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy in-house, making it easier for families to access a comprehensive service. The combination of our experienced practitioners allows us to provide a truly integrated multi-disciplinary approach to help our clients achieve their NDIS goals. For more information on how we can assist you, please get in touch with us. Our friendly team will be happy to help!

OTs can help your child with sensory processing, emotion regulation and social skills. They can also guide family and support networks. For more information about autism occupational therapy Adelaide, click here.

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